Genesee Light Beer Review

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Genesee Light: Appearance

Classic pale lager appearance: BRIGHT yellow color, extremely clear, very bubbly. Surprisingly large, foamy, sudsy head (evaporates almost completely and leaves no lacing)

Genesee Light: Aroma

Smells like a Molson or Labatt macro lager. Some kind of chemical funk to it. Not a skunkiness like Heineken, though.

Genesee Light: Taste

Starts out very neutral with almost no taste at all. Obviously, very watery and bland with perhaps a touch of corn sweetness found in adjunct macro light lagers like this. As it warms it becomes more and more sour with a metallic finish. It eventually becomes undrinkable (so drink it fast!)

Genesee Light: Mouthfeel

For such a light beer it’s a little thicker than I’d expect. Quite tepid body – so it doesn’t tear up your tongue with carbonation.

Genesee Light: Drinkability

Initially very sluggable, but as it warms and becomes more sour it’s a challenge to drink. And at 3.6% ABV it’s the kind of beer you can slam can after can.

Genesee Light: Overall

I definitely wouldn’t buy it again. Stick with Genny Cream Ale.

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Carla Lauter was the founder of The Beer Babe and has been a beer blogger and expert for several decades. She's been interviewed in beer publications and podcasts about her favorite brews and the craft brewing scene. While she's ceased her involvement with The Beer Babe, her legacy remains in the various reviews and articles she has written.