Elysian Space Dust IPA : Appearance
Orange in color with a haziness to the body. There are miniscule particles in suspension (unfiltered, I assume). Pours to a two-finger, ivory, frothy head which retains and laces extremely well.
Elysian Space Dust IPA : Smell
Pungent spicy/herbal aroma, most notable garlic and oregano. Some orange citrus as well.
Elysian Space Dust IPA : Taste
The last time I had this beer it was all hop aroma, but not in the taste. This time, for whatever reason, the hops are in the palette, too. I noticed it immediately – an intense surge of spiciness with flavors of garlic, onion, oregano and basil (all probably due to the Chinook hops). Initially, it’s a slightly dry sensation and moderately bitter. The base malt is subtle, creating for no distinct flavors per se other than a general sweet sensation. On the back end the Chinook hop’s intense dry bitterness really shows, but so do that of the late addition Citra and Amarillo hops. A citrusy taste of orange fruit, peel and pith. I even detect minor “cat pee” dankness right before it finishes, which is nice and interesting. All in all, it’s an interesting, tasty brew.
Elysian Space Dust IPA : Drinkability
Though not too high on the bitterness scale, Elysian Space Dust IPA is still plenty lively in the mouth. The spicy sensation dances across the tongue, dries it out, and lingers well after each swig. The body isn’t too heavy or thick, it’s remarkably crisp for a 7.2% ABV brew. Works well as a standalone serving, though it’s be perfect with any kind of spicy meal.